Bring your album artwork to life

Get a killer video to promote your next release in minutes. Simply add your audio & artwork — we’ll do the rest.

Album art has never been more crucial to the success of a release

Give a great first impression

Don't settle for automatically generated videos from YouTube. Control the look & feel by creating an on-brand video you’ll love.

Stand out from the crowd

Rotor’s AI takes music visualization to a whole new level by creating a video that reacts to the features of your music.

Save time and money

No need to pay production teams thousands to produce your music videos. Make your own stand-out videos for a fraction of the cost.

Get more from your existing artwork

You’ve put a lot of effort into your cover art — make it go further by turning it into animated album art you can use across your socials.

How Rotor helps

Easy and fast to create

Rotor’s engine analyzes your audio and artwork, and within seconds automatically generates a professional quality video that reacts to your music.

Next-level music visualization

We don't just visualize your audio spectrum—our AI finds specific instruments such as kick drums and snares then uses those features to create motion graphics and effects synced to your track.

In every shape and size you need

On mobile, square and vertical videos stop more fans mid-scroll than landscape videos. We give you all the tools you need to look your biggest and best on socials.

Direct to YouTube upload

Grow your fanbase by posting directly from Rotor to YouTube. The easiest and fastest way to release your music to YouTube.

It’s incredibly easy to create something of professional quality with Rotor — and the new artwork-based styles are so good — that there’s now no excuse to upload static images to YouTube anymore. I’m currently in the process of making Rotor Videos for my label’s entire catalogue.

Elliot Jay Stocks, Other Form

Create next-level music visualizers you can share on Instagram, YouTube, and more.