Create professional music videos in minutes, no editing skills or production experienced required
Just follow a few easy steps to bring your music to life.
Upload your song and edit the audio
The length of your song will determine how long your video will be. You can use the full song or trim it down for promotional videos and teasers.

Select your clips
Choose from our library of over 1 million stock clips or upload your own content.
Check out some of our high-quality footage below!
Select a video edit style
Choose from over 150 different video edit styles, designed by music video directors and visual artists, to suit all music genres.

Adjust your video for social media
Make your video square (1:1) or vertical (9:16) in seconds with our intuitive resizing tool.
Apply a video filter
Give your video a distinct look by applying one of our eye-catching video filters.

Add text overlays
Insert title cards, outro text or promotional messaging throughout your video.

Download your high-res video and share it with the world!
Share your video across all of your platforms - we do not retain any rights to your creations.